
Each hero has gear slots to fill (e.g. weapon, torso, head, accessory items, etc). Each gear piece boosts the hero's stats and might bring additional effects, such as synergies with specific skills or status ailments. Gear comes in different 1) rarities and 2) tiers, and is either general or class-specific. Rarities are: 1) Common, 2) Rare, 3) Epic, and 4) Legendary. Additionally, gear has levels, and tiers cap the gear levels. For example, Tier 1 -> max level 10, Tier 2 -> max level 20.

Gear level and rarity form the base damage/armor for the piece of gear. This is then amplified further by possible "prefix" and/or "suffix" - e.g. "Sharpness" suffix changes a claymore's name to "Claymore of Sharpness" and increases the weapon's total damage by X%. Players can upgrade gear by leveling up the gear, upgrading the gear tier, and enchanting the gear for new prefix and suffix rolls. Leveling up requires WARI tokens, but upgrading the gear tier and enchanting the gear requires additional material items. Gear can be scrapped for WARI and in some cases a number of material items

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